I state Famous Chicana not out of vanity. I read in "Friendship With God", if you keep saying you want, thats all you end
up with.....wanting. So, I say I am and the Universe should follow. Try it.
My words are my art. I can not go a day without writing. I have boxes filled with notebooks, journals from the time I was
8 years old, scraps of papers, love letters (ALL my letters are love letters). I feel words screaming in my blood, trying
to get out and free myself of manic energy. A very good friend of mine once said, "When you write, its like you take your
heart out and smear it on the page." I am cream cheese.
I really believe that The Universe writes through me a majority of the time.
I believe once Ive written something for someone (a letter or a poem), it is no longer mine. Don't get me wrong, I still own
the copyright. It's just not my place to ever ask for those words back or negate them in some way. Words do hold power.
(I know there are a group of Boys who might try and sell my letters on eBay once my name hits the papers....selling
all sorts of lies to trashy mags. Let the lies begin! Whether you're mad at me or loving me, either way you're still thinking
about me!!)
Words are my art. They can be simple, complex, fierce.
The Story of Bear.
Bear should have his own website. Bear should have his own coffee table book.
Maybe one day, I'll interview Bear! Bear has seen the world. He's probably been to more places than you have been. It is sad.
It is true.
I like to see things and places, talk to people...find out their odd bits. I
like to know peoples bad habits, the things their EX's ran from....I don't seek perfection in people. That theory is lame.
I enjoy the ugly because too many people spend too much time and money on beauty products or some quick fix to show their
pretty, plastic outside. They do it thinking their sparkle-exterior-shine will land them the perfect man/woman/job/life and
then, only then, they can start living. What are you doing now? What are you NOT doing now?
When I decide to travel, I just go. Ok, there's a little planning (cuz I'm not
sitting on a huge savings due to paying for school and taking care of familia) involved to get to where I wanna go. I don't
have any strong desire to see any place at the moment. The two places that I'm thinking about now are Costa Rica and Greece.
I travel alone because either no one can afford to go with me or no one can
up and leave because of work or school or kids. (I don't have kids. I love them and intend to have 3, but they don't all have
to be biological. Besides, I have about 8-10-12 years before I really need to stress over it.) Hence, my travel buddy is Bear.
When I was little ie., Baby Girl V, I spent a lot of time in the hospital. My
only buddy was Bear. Even growing towards the teenage years I spent quite a bit of time in hospitals, at XRay places, blah,
blah, blah, blah.....Bear was with me through it all. To this day, I can't even sleep well without Bear. I don't like staying
over people's houses without Bear. I will fall asleep on your couch playing video games, but I'll wake up in the middle of
the night because I need to sleep next to Bear. Bear is compact and he has a lot of heart.
Oh, and since it's always myself travelling with Bear (I don't like taking pictures either. I think I have about 5 pictures
of myself in existence.I can't smile on command. If I do, you'll end up with a cheese factor high grin. No way out of it.)
, I photograph Bear because everyone knows I don't go anywhere without him. It's just as good as having a pic of myself in
front of the Eiffel Tower. I have pics of Bear in front of Big Ben, at the Grand Canyon, House of Blues in New Orleans.....you
get the idea.
Bear Tattoo by Andy (Metamorphic Tattoo in San Jose). |